Journal of Elementary Education Research
Journal of Elementary Education Research (JEER) is a scientific journal that aims to communicate research results of professors, teachers, practitioners, scientists, and scholars in the field of basic education covering the curriculum design, educational innovation, islamic education, inclusive education, literation and numeration, education for primary school teachers, information, comunication and digital technology, management of technology and innovation, thematic learning, e-learning, learning development, learning design, learning media, learning evaluation, learning (math, science, social studies, civics, english, Indonesian, physical education, art and local content), high order thinking skills, process skill. Target readers of the journal are professors, students, teachers and practitioners of basic science education. Journal of Elementary Education Research (JEER) published twice a year since 2022 (February and August), is a bilingual (Indonesian and English), peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in elementary education Studies (primary/elementary education and Islamic primary/elementary education). This journal is published by PGMI STAI Pati in Indonesia. Before Submission Author has to make sure that the manuscript has been prepared with JEER's TEMPLATE following author guidelines. The manuscript which does not meet the author guidelines, template, or focus and scope will be immediately rejected. The only manuscript which meets the journal requirement will be processed further. Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
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Journal of Law (J-Law)
Jurnal of Law (J-Law) merupakan Jurnal yang berisi kajian ilmiah Ilmu Hukum yang dipublikasikan oleh Prodi AS STAI Pati. Jurnal tersebut merupakan hasil penelitian serta kajian gagasan konseptual di bidang ilmu hokum baik hukum umum ataupun hokum islam terhadap isu-isu hukum, kosenseptual dalam tataran teori dan praktik, putusan pengadilan, analisis kebijakan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintahan daerah serta lainnya, fokus dan ruang lingkup J-Law Berbagai topik tetapi tidak terbatas pada:
(1) Hukum Perkawinan, (2) Hukum Pidana, (3) Hukum Konstitusi, (4) Hukum Perdata dan Komersial, (5) Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia, (6) Hukum Ekonomi, (7) Hukum ekonomi Syariah, (8) Hukum Internasional, (9) Hukum Islam atau Syariah, (10) Hukum Adat, (11) Hukum Lingkungan, (12) Pendidikan Hukum, (13) Hukum Komparatif.